LIRIK LAGU / Gugun Blues Shelter - Orangutanagram (terjemahan)
Posted by 29ab
Jumat, 22 November 2019
Let's start the day, with a little fun
Mari kita memulai hari, dengan sedikit kesenangan.
Let me tell you 'bout the place I've been before
Let me tell you 'bout the place I've been before
Biarkan aku memberitahumu tentang tempat aku datangi sebelumnya.
You don't need money, it aint nothing
You don't need money, it aint nothing
kau tidak perlu uang, itu bukan apa-apa.
Just get your snowboots and your sollar power torch
Just get your snowboots and your sollar power torch
Hanya mendapatkan snowboots-mu dan kekuatan obor sollar-mu.
And let me take you to the world
And let me take you to the world
Dan biarkan aku membawamu ke dunia.
Of the orangutanagram yeah
Of the orangutanagram yeah
Dari orangutangram ya.
Hold on
Hold on
Beautiful people, raise up your hand
Orang yang cantik, angkat tanganmu.
And join us as we walk along the sand
And join us as we walk along the sand
Dan bergabung dengan kami karena kami berjalan di sepanjang pasir.
And then by horseback, we'll glide along
And then by horseback, we'll glide along
Dan kemudian dengan kuda, kita akan meluncur bersama.
While listning to the humming birds song
While listning to the humming birds song
Sementara dengarkan dengungan lagu burung.
And let me to the world of the orangutanagram yeah
And let me to the world of the orangutanagram yeah
And let me to the world of the orangutanagram yeah
And let me to the world of the orangutanagram yeah
Dan biarkan aku ke dunia orangutanagram ya.
The blue lizard they watch and wave
Kadal biru mereka menonton dan bergelombang.
Can u see the monkey flying high up in the trees
Can u see the monkey flying high up in the trees
Bisa kau melihat monyet terbang tinggi di atas pohon.
Everybody happy, please come inside
Everybody happy, please come inside
Semua orang senang, silakan datang ke dalam.
And let the flying foxes take you for a ride
And let the flying foxes take you for a ride
Dan biarkan rubah terbang membawamu untuk naik.
And welcome to the world
And welcome to the world
Dan selamat datang di dunia.
And let me to the world of the orangutanagram yeah
And let me to the world of the orangutanagram yeah
Dan biarkan aku ke dunia orangutanagram ya.
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