LIRIK LAGU / Gugun Blues Shelter - Old Friend (terjemahan)
Posted by 29ab
Minggu, 24 November 2019
Spent so many good days together,
Menghabiskan begitu banyak hari baik bersama,.
Running round making trouble in school
Running round making trouble in school
Berlari di sekitar membuat masalah di sekolah.
Growing pains were less hard when shared
Growing pains were less hard when shared
Rasa sakit tumbuh lebih sedikit keras saat bersama.
Now a man we drift apart
Sekarang seorang pria kita hanyut terpisah.
Now a man we drift apart
Sekarang seorang pria kita hanyut terpisah.
Once we were as close as brothers
Setelah kita berada sedekat saudara.
Now we've become worst enemies
Now we've become worst enemies
Sekarang kita sudah menjadi musuh terburuk.
You watch my back and I'll watch yours
You watch my back and I'll watch yours
Anda menyaksikan punggungku dan aku akan menyaksikanmu.
How I wish we could turn back the time
Bagaimana aku berharap kita bisa memutar kembali waktu.
How I wish we could turn back the time
Bagaimana aku berharap kita bisa memutar kembali waktu.
How could you do those things, you betrayed me
Bagaimana kau bisa melakukan hal itu, kau mengkhianatiku.
The good times now gone the book is closed,
The good times now gone the book is closed,
Waktu yang baik sekarang hilang buku ini ditutup,.
Was it worth it my old friend, was it worth it my old friend
Was it worth it my old friend, was it worth it my old friend
Apakah itu layak teman lamaku, apakah itu layak teman lamaku.
How could you do those things, you betrayed me
How could you do those things, you betrayed me
Bagaimana kau bisa melakukan hal itu, kau mengkhianatiku.
The good times now gone the book is closed,
The good times now gone the book is closed,
Waktu yang baik sekarang hilang buku ini ditutup,.
Was it worth it my old friend, was it worth it my old friend
Apakah itu layak teman lamaku, apakah itu layak teman lamaku.
Was it worth it my old friend, was it worth it my old friend
Apakah itu layak teman lamaku, apakah itu layak teman lamaku.
Remember the endless summer,
Ingat musim panas tak berujung,.
what happened to those precious memories
what happened to those precious memories
apa yang terjadi dengan mereka kenangan berharga.
When you get old you'll think about it
When you get old you'll think about it
Ketika kau menua kau akan memikirkannya.
I'll never forget you my old friend,
I'll never forget you my old friend
I'll never forget you my old friend,
I'll never forget you my old friend
Aku tidak akan pernah melupakanmu teman lamaku.
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